Bishop Turner
Bishop turner who stated, “We are not American and the flag is not ours”. He also took more of our ancestors back to Africa than Marcus Garvey. Angry, after black people have been deceived by the Jews over the Haydes Tilden compromise which rescinded the 40 acres and a mule promise.He was very vocal in stating that victory was taken from us. Turner went on to write several editorials: one such called” Negroes Get Guns”, this frighten the jewish people. So…..they brought out Booker T. Washington who had a healthy list of Jewish financiers.

It was well known throughout the civil rights circle Booker T. was bought and sold. W.E.B. Dubois was quoted saying,
“We are compelled to point out that Mr. Washington's large financial responsibilities have made him dependent on the rich and that for this reason he has for years been compelled to tell not the whole truth”.
Dubois received funds as well.
Tuskegee Experiment
Julius Rosenwald one of Booker T. Washington’s closest friends ,and a main advisor/financier of the Tuskegee Institute & Expirement.

In 1930 the Rosenwald Fund made grants to the Alabama State Board of Health to help meet the cost of the Tuskeegee Experiment, a study of syphilis in black men living in Georgia and Alabama. Over 400 men were allowed to carry the disease without medical treatment for 40 years. Several government agencies including the Federal Public Health Service, (which purposely withheld the cure for pellagra from black women), and the Center for Disease Control participated in this study. Both were funded by Julius Rosenwald. Washington knew all of this…..they’d been “friends” at this point for 18yrs.
Julius Rosenwald along with others, went down to Alabama and Georgia, and paid black pastors to convince their congregations to get their “shots”. The doctors carrying out the experiment we're Nazis. This is the man that our black leader aligned himself with😡
Nazi Doctors

Dr.Taliaferro Clark

Dr. John Heller

Dr. R. Vonderlehr